Parent project, why try, and loving solutions
Help for parents raising difficult children.
The Parent Project® is a 10-week parent education and support program designed specifically for parents of strong-willed or out-of-control adolescent children, ages 10 and up. The curriculum teaches concrete identification, prevention, and intervention strategies for destructive adolescent behaviors (poor school attendance and performance, alcohol and other drug use, gangs, runaways, and violent teens, etc.).
The Why Try program helps to answer the question for youth, “Why should I try in school?” Why Try uses a series of ten visual metaphors to teach vital social, emotional, and leadership principles. The program’s unique multisensory approach caters to every learning type. The class runs at the same time as the Parent Project and the teen must have a parent in the parenting class to be
able to attend.
Loving Solutions is offered in a similar format and is for parents with difficult younger children, ages 5 to 10.
To register for an upcoming class or if you have questions contact the Parent Project Coordinator at Catholic Charities at 513-867-7072. Click on the flyers to see upcoming dates- Parent Project/Why Try and Loving Solutions.
How Does it Work?
- Parents learn in a classroom setting or on a virtual platform to manage teen behavior problems at home.
- The activity-based 216-page workbook “A Parent’s Guide to Destructive Adolescent Behavior” is available only to program participants.
- Parents meet one night a week. The first 6 weeks are 2.5 hour sessions and the last 4 weeks are 2 hour sessions.
- Parent support groups are formed using the UCLA, Self-Help Support Group model.
- The program is taught by community members and educators who have completed the forty-hour Parent Project® facilitator training.
- Program, dinner and supplies are FREE (Virtual classes do not include dinner). Participants are expected to attend each session and complete assignments during the week. Replacement fee for the workbook is $35.
Who Should Attend?
- The parent/guardian who has primary day-to-day responsibility for supervision of strong-willed, out of control adolescents; ideally both parents attend the program.
- Parents or caregivers who have a desire to learn new ways to build a stronger relationship with their teen and manage challenging behaviors
- Children ages 11 – 17 are asked to attend with parents to participate in the WhyTry Program.
Why the Parent Project? Celebrating Over 30 Years of Service to Families.
- It has a proven track record – the Parent Project® reduced juvenile crime by 1/3, while significantly increasing both school attendance and performance.
- Read the 2022-2023 local report here.
Find out more about the national project by visiting their website and